
I double dare you!

“You must do the thing you think you cannot do”- Eleanor Roosevelt. I double dare you to do that very thing that you think you cannot do! I just conquered my hardest race yet... The Whistler Alpine Meadows 100 Miler 😁👊🏻! This was a race that I thought was nearly [...]

Never ever give up!

The cliche statement is true. Never ever give up because you’re capable of more than you know. Do NOT ever sell yourself short! Never give up! Feeling defeated? I’ve been there and I’ve learned to rise above it. If I can do this then you can do this too! I [...]

A happy accident

...when you take a different route in life than you intended and end up somewhere spectacular. Have you ever gone off course and/ or made a “mistake” and ended up somewhere unexpected? I’ve done it many times. Life doesn’t always go as perfectly as planned. If you are anything like [...]

Make it happen in 2022

New Year’s is here… If you are anything like me, you likely have a long list of your New Year’s resolutions. These resolutions can vary from doubling your income to getting back to a high level of fitness.  Many of us struggle because we come up with new resolutions and [...]


Confidence is a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment. It’s what makes or breaks us. Self-confidence might not sound like much but when it comes to your quality of life, confidence is the one of the biggest mental instruments you can use to make it better. Confidence [...]

Life Happens!

Life happens! Sometimes the plan fails. Sometimes we fall. It’s not a matter of IF it’s WHEN because it’s part of being human. In my recent 100KM race, my “brilliant” nutrition plan failed. I crashed hard. I fell hard. I swore. I cried. I laughed. I hit the wall and [...]


You can feel your heart pounding in your chest. Sweat dripping off your brow and your legs just about to give out. You want to stop. You want to give up. But you can’t. The finish line is right in front of you and you promised yourself you’re going to [...]

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