
The Power Of Quitting

I have a confession to make. It’s about quitting, but not in the way you might think. I quit - yes, but I quit the things that were holding me back. I encourage you to do the same. For starters, I quit alcohol. Why? Because it was like walking around [...]

Live Your Best Life Now

Live Your Best Life Now I’m here to remind you that every day is a new opportunity to live life to the fullest, embrace positivity and kick some serious butt! 🚀 Because… Why not? Embrace Your Inner Optimist: Life's challenges are inevitable, but your perspective makes all the difference. Choose [...]

A Journey of Community & Growth

Life is full of choices that shape our journey. When faced with challenges, choosing the high road of personal growth can lead to remarkable experiences. Recently, I took part in a 100 race, running with my friend and friend's daughter in my heart. I wore a yellow heart sticker on [...]

Don’t Worry Be Happy 😁!

Bob Marley's "Don't Worry Be Happy" song reminds us of the importance of being happy, especially during tough times. Life is full of challenges, but we must focus on the present, let go of worries, and embrace the opportunities to learn and grow. Choosing to be happy is a mindset [...]

Unleash Your Athletic Performance

The Power of Hypnotherapy for athletes. Sports performance is more than talent, physical abilities and skills. Mindset, focus, will power, perseverance and resilience also play a vital role in an athlete's success. Many athletes battle with performance anxiety, depression, pressure, life’s stressors, low self-esteem and other mental barriers that can [...]

Winter Blues

Does anyone else struggle with the winter blues? 🙋‍♀️. I’m prone to struggling with SAD’s (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and I initially struggled with this years early snowfall. If you’re anything like me, know that you’re not alone. It’s easy to catch those winter blues. The reality is we can’t control [...]

I double dare you!

“You must do the thing you think you cannot do”- Eleanor Roosevelt. I double dare you to do that very thing that you think you cannot do! I just conquered my hardest race yet... The Whistler Alpine Meadows 100 Miler 😁👊🏻! This was a race that I thought was nearly [...]

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