You can feel your heart pounding in your chest. Sweat dripping off your brow and your legs just about to give out. You want to stop. You want to give up. But you can’t. The finish line is right in front of you and you promised yourself you’re going to [...]
Change Your Morning, Change Your Life!
For most people, the bed is their best friend. You come home after a long day and it’s always there for you. Sleep as much as you want and forget about all your problems. Your bed truly does deserve all your love…Or does it? If you’re like most people you [...]
Tackling fear in the moment!
Fear. Some call it the great motivator while for others it’s paralyzing and petrifying. How can you tackle your fear and not let it hold you back? Today I’m going to tell you a story of how I stood in the face of a fearful situation and survived. If I [...]
Mondays Do NOT have to suck!
Let’s turn it around! Mondays. That dreaded word. Just thinking of getting up on a Monday morning with all the memories of the nice weekend you just had fresh in your mind and knowing that you can’t go back to sleep. That’s enough to turn any smile into a frown. In fact, [...]
The big bad “F word” and what to do about it!
Do you find yourself avoiding the things that you know you need to do? There is a good chance you are being highjacked by fear. I would like to talk about that big “F word”, which is FEAR, of course! Fear often holds us back from achieving our goals, having [...]
Get out of your own way and anything is possible!
The Canadian Death Race is known as one of Canada’s toughest adventure races. Held in Canada’s Rocky Mountains, the race is 125KM’s long, 3 Rocky Mountain Summits, 17,0000m in elevation gain and has a tight 24-hour time limit. The Death Canadian Race lives up to its name with its killer [...]